Such a curious thought, that I would have a calling on my life. A purpose.

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- Written by: Shaun Brooker
- Hits: 965
Deeply Embedding Vision.
Growth was looming. At the close of 2019, Hamilton Christian School was on the precipice of significant growth. As leader of two previous schools that had grown significantly, I was well aware of the excitement that growth would bring. However, I was also very aware of the challenges this could bring. Some challenges we would not have control over. New Zealand was already facing a shortage of teachers, and the economy was likely to face challenges. When the economy struggles, Christian schools often do also. Parents suddenly need to prioritise mortgages and food over school fees.
I was determined that our vision and culture would not suffer through growth. So often, during times of growth, the energy and focus are directed at the immediate urgent matters. Recruiting, the orientation of students and staff, building projects, timetable changes, behaviour management and onboarding new families are all important. Eventually, when school leadership finally lifts their gaze from the immediate urgent, they look around and find what the school has become. In the absence of intentionality and attention, culture shapes itself.
It was time to take time out and articulate a plan.
As a school community, we had a strong vision for our student’s experience of learning and how teaching would be shaped. A strong vision for how technology would enhance and engage learning, not just entertain. And, a strong vision for both discipleship

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- Written by: Shaun Brooker
- Hits: 1135
The one you need and how to prevent the other two.
Over the years, I have come to understand that not all middle leaders are the same. I am sure there are many ways to categorise middle leaders, but there are three that I have come to understand and see in many people in these positions.
For the premises of this writing, I want to make it clear that I have had all versions of middle leaders on my teams, and pretty much each of them have been incredible people whom I have genuinely connected with on a personal level. This paper does not differentiate between good people and bad people, nice people and horrible people. Rather, it considers different middle-leader perspectives of their role.
Three prominent dispositions of Middle Leaders:
- Vision Carriers
- Team Spokesperson
- Isolation Builders
Vision Carriers
Ultimately, a middle leader is a vision carrier first. Their role is to take the organisation’s vision and see it enacted within their team and area of responsibility.

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- Written by: Shaun Brooker
- Hits: 1087
When did 'So Busy' supersede 'fine' as the stock standard answer to Joey's question, 'How you doing?'
It is as if being 'busy' has become a medal of honour. As if being 'busy' makes us important. As if being 'not busy' is a bad thing. How long has it been since you have heard someone tell you that they are 'so busy'? Worse still, when was the last time you told someone about how your life is, 'so busy’?
I have determined that I will try extra hard never to answer anyone with the answer, 'so busy'. Let me share why.
As leaders, we make decisions all day, every day, and how we spend our time is one of these decisions. Take a few minutes (if you have the time) to consider

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- Written by: Shaun Brooker
- Hits: 964
In American Football, each 'team' is made up of three teams. There is a team for offence, defence and a specials team. As indicated in their names, one team is for plays where the team is on offence, advancing towards the goal. One for defence is when the team is protecting ground they have made against an advancing team. And one for special moments when the team has to think outside normal play.
In leadership, each of these teams is representative of our leadership mindsets. We have a mindset that enables us to pursue our goals, one that protects the gains we have made towards our goals and a mindset that

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- Written by: Shaun Brooker
- Hits: 2457
Knowing you have a calling can be the most fulfilling aspect of living. Yet, not know what that calling is can be paralysing.
It can be what wakes you up in the morning, but it can equally be what keeps you awake at night.
Calling is something that I very much wrestled with over the years. Am I doing what God wants me to do? Am I all God designed me to be? What should I do next in my career? So many questions in the past, but it is now something that I have absolute peace with. Did I receive some prophetic message? A 'writing on the wall' moment? No. Just a better understanding of what God wants for all of us, and especially for me.